

Date of Joining at NITK: 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Professional Experience: 

Total 15 Years and at NITK around 11 years

Contact Details


bkunar [at]
bkunar [at]


+91-824- 2473377


Academic Background

Ph.D. (Mining Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 2009
M.E., (Mining Engineering), IIEST, Shibpur. (Formerly BESU, Shibpur), 2003
B.E. (Mining Engineering), Government College of Engineering, Keonjhar, Odisha (Formerly OSME, Keonjhar), 2001

Conference Proceedings: 

Areas of Interest

Mine Safety Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Mine Surveying and Geomatics, Thermal Conductivity of Rocks


Significant Projects

Project Title: Predictive Assessment of Postural Risk and Biomechanical Analysis of Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) Related Problems of Dump Truck Operators in Indian Open Cast Metal Mines
Role: Principal Investigator
Duration: 2020 - 2024
Funding Agency: SERB-DST, Govt of India.

Book Chapters: 

Supervision of Ph.D

Ph.D Completed: 4 Nos.
Ph.D. Ongoing: 4 Nos.

Text Books: 


Funded Projects (Ongoing): 

Significant Publications


1. Kunar, B. M., Bhattacherjee, A., & Chau, N. (2008). Relationships of job hazards, lack of knowledge, alcohol use, health status and risk taking behavior to work injury of coal miners: a case-control study in India. Journal of occupational health50(3), 236-244.

2. Kunar, B. M., Bhattacherjee, A., & Chau, N. (2010). A matched case-control study of occupational injury in underground coalmine workers. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy110(1), 1-9.

3. Chau N.,Bhattacherjee A.,Kunar B.M., Lorhandicap group (2009).“Relationship between job, lifestyle, age and occupational injuries” Occupational Medicine, London, 2009, Vol. 59, pp.114 -119.

4. Bhattacherjee A.,Kunar B.M. (2011).“Epidemiology: A tool for risk analysis of mine injuries” Transactions of the Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Engineering (SME) USA, 2011, Vol. 328, pp. 490-500.

5. Bhattacherjee A., Kunar B.M., Baumann Michele, Chau N, Lorhandicap group (2013). “The role of occupational activities and work environment in occupational injury and interplay of personal factors in various age groups among Indian and French coal miners” International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 2013; Vol. 26(6), pp.1-20.

6. Kunar B.M., Bhattacherjee A.,Samanta B.,Mitra A.(2014). “Relationships of Individual and work related factors with obstructive type lung function disorder of underground coal miners-A Spirometry study” Journal of Geology and Mining Research 2014, Vol.6(5), pp.57-63.

7. Bhattacherjee A., Kunar B.M., (2016): “Miners’ return to work following injuries in coal mines” Medycyna pracy 12/2016; 67(6). DOI:10.13075/mp.5893.00429. 

8. Kumar V., Murthy ChSN, Kunar B.M. (2016): “Prediction and Measurement Methods of Thermal Properties in Rock Drilling Process - A Review” Concurrent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 3(1) 2017, pp. 1-6. /

9. Vijay Kumar S, Ch. S. N. Murthy, B. M. Kunar, “Effect of thermal response on physical properties during drilling operations-A case study”, in Materials Today Proceedings Vol. 5(2) 2018, pp. 7404-7409.

10. Vijay Kumar. S., Kunar, B. M., Murthy Ch. S. N. (2018), “Experimental investigation and statistical analysis of operational parameters on temperature rise in rock drilling” International Journal of Heat and Technology, Vol. 36 (4), pp. 1174-1180.

11. Vijay Kumar. S., Kunar, B. M., Murthy Ch. S. N. (2019), “ANN model for prediction of bit-rock interface temperature during rotary drilling of limestone using embedded thermocouple technique” Journal of Thermal Analysis and calorimetry, (SCI, IF-2.571).

12.Vijay Kumar. S., Kunar, B. M., Murthy Ch. S. N. (2019), “Measurement of bit-rock interface temperature and wear rate of the tungsten carbide drill bit during rotary drilling” Friction, (Accepted). (SCI, IF-3.021).

13.Kar, M. B., Aruna, M., & Kunar, B. M. (2023). Risk factors associated with work-related musculoskeletal disorders among dumper operators: A machine learning approach. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health24, 101438.

14. Kar, M. B., Aruna, M., & Kunar, B. M. (2023). Structural equation modelling of work related musculoskeletal disorders among dumper operators. Scientific Reports13(1), 14055.

15. Kumar, B. S., Kunar, B. M., & Murthy, C. S. (2024). An adaptive modeling for bifacial solar module levelized cost and performance analysis for mining application. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications32(3), 186-198.

16. Kar, M. B., Aruna, M., & Kunar, B. M. (2024). An analytical hierarchy approach for studying the impact of human error, environmental factors, and equipment failure on mine accidents: a case study in India. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 1-7.

17. Impa, Vijay Kumar S, Lakshmidevamma M, Adaveesh B, Varadaraj K R,Basavaraju S, Bijay Mihir Kunar Prediction of Physico-Thermal Properties of Combined Biodiesel Blends using Waste Fish Oil land Coconut Oil vol-11, 2024, Pages:787-796, ISSN 21890420 

18. Sahas, Kunar, B. M., & Chandar, K. R. (2023). An overview of the applications of soft computing methods for predicting the physico-mechanical properties of rocks from indirect methods. International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering14(2), 124-156.

Funded Projects (Completed): 


1. Second Class Managers’ Certificate of Competency (Restricted) from Directorate General of Mines Safety, Govt. of India.
2. Recipient of the “Hindustan Zinc Limited Prize” by the Institution of Engineers (INDIA) for the best technical research paper.
3. Awarded SRF Fellowship from MHRD Govt. of India from July 2004 to April 2007 to carry out Ph.D. at IIT Kharagpur.
4. Recipient of GATE Scholarship, NRTS and National Merit Scholarships.
5. Outstanding reviewer award from Journal of Safety Science (Elsevier Publisher).
6. Presented paper entitled "A machine learning framework for predicting elastic properties of sedimentary rocks from ball mill grinding characteristics data" at ISRM EUROCK 15-19 July 2024 at Spain.
7. Best reviewer award from Journal of safety science (Elsevier Publisher).
8. NIRM Silver Jubilee Medal for distinguish service as scientist to the Institute (Ministry of Mines, Govt of India).
9. BOS (Board of Studies) member for BPUT, Odisha.

M.Tech Students (Completed): 


M.Tech Students (Ongoing): 


Ph.D Students (Completed): 


Ph.D Students (Ongoing): 


For More Info: 


Contact us

 Prof Harsh Vardhan,

 Professor and Head
 Department of Mining Engineering, NITKSurathkal
 P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
 Karnataka, India.

  • Hot line: +91-0824-2473051
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